Monika dziedzic scaled 1

Monika Dziedzic

Partner | Tax adviser | Attorney at Law

International Taxes | Global Minimum Tax (GloBE) | Withholding tax (WHT) | Green Taxes

Tel.: +48 22 322 68 90

  • Income tax expert.
  • Manages one of the largest and most experienced practices of international tax law in Poland.
  • Advises Polish companies on undertaking business activities abroad and foreign companies in conducting effective business in Poland.
  • Provides advice to the largest companies on fulfilling their Global Minimum Tax (GloBE) obligations.
  • Supports international companies and Polish enterprises in pending and planned transactions regarding their tax consequences in various jurisdictions.
  • Assists restructuring of assets and enterprises operating on an international scale, taking into account the latest tax law regulations e.g. with regard to tax evasion, aggressive optimization or withholding tax settlement.
  • An expert in planning activities of family enterprises and private investment structures
  • Has extensive experience in conducting the largest and most complex tax proceedings, including international proceedings.