BF210809 8064m

Klaudyna Matusiak-Frey

Senior Consultant | Tax adviser

VAT | Technology | IT solutions | Digital economy | E-commerce

Mob.: +48 503 972 897

  • Specializes in day-to-day VAT consulting, particularly for clients in the energy and technology industries, supporting them in conducting business in a dynamic regulatory environment and in an era of rapid technological progress.
  • Interested in technological innovation and is thus proficient in modern business methods; comprehensively advises on the taxation of digital assets and activities in the online space.
  • Working in tax consulting since 2017, started her career in one of Warsaw’s tax law firms, where she dealt with various tax issues and led VAT Compliance projects.
  • Participated in numerous tax reviews and due diligence studies focused on analyzing the correctness of VAT-related settlements and documentation.