Iwanna Lewko
Manager | Tax adviser
VAT | UA HUB | German Desk
Email: iwanna.lewko@mddp.pl
Mob.: +48 503 974 625
- Expert in VAT tax with almost 10 years of experience.
- Specializes in advisory related to VAT for companies in various sectors, including real estate, production, telecommunication, finance, automotive and FMCG.
- Supports clients in adapting their activities to the requirements of VAT regulations by conducting comprehensive tax reviews and due diligence analysis.
- Specializes in advising foreign companies, especially from Ukraine and Germany, that run or plan to start operations in Poland. As a member of the Ukranian Desk and German Desk, supports these companies by offering advice in their native languages.
- Has extensive knowledge of issues specific to foreign companies, such as chain transactions, intra-Community supply of goods (ICS), export of services and licenses.
- Supports clients in determining whether they have a fixed establishment (FE) in Poland, which is crucial for the correct settlement of VAT on service transactions, especially purchases.
- Involved in innovative projects, including support in creating two VAT groups.
- Monitors the latest tax regulations and solutions on an ongoing basis to prepare clients for upcoming changes and ensure their compliance with new requirements.
- Actively participates in legislative consultations by submitting feedback on draft laws to promote a more transparent and business-friendly tax system.
- 2019 | Tax adviser
- 2018 | Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw
- Member of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers
- Languages: Polish, English, German, Russian, Ukrainian
- Author of numerous articles in the ‘Tax Monitor’ – a quarterly published by C.H. Beck, containing expert analysis of tax issues >> link.