Bartosz Bogdański
Partner | Tax adviser
VAT | Real Estate
Email: bartosz.bogdanski@mddp.pl
Mob.: +48 660 440 140
- VAT expert with over 20 years of experience.
- Specializes in issues related to VAT for the real estate business.
- Has extensive experience in advising financial sector entities.
- Advises clients on the most significant and complex issues related to VAT settlement.
- Involved in a number of projects regarding VAT settlement planning, effectively implemented in several leading Polish companies, as well as foreign operating on the Polish market.
- Represents clients in many landmark proceedings before tax authorities, voivodship administrative courts, the Supreme Administrative Court – he has been an attorney, e.g. in the famous VAT case of shopping centres (case file number I FSK 293/17).
- Advises entities investing in Special Economic Zones.
- 2004 Tax adviser
- 1997 University of Gdańsk
- Member of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers
- Lecturer and speaker at VAT trainings and conferences
- Lanaguges: Polish, English
- Highly regarded expert in Poland in the Indirect Tax category in the World Tax and World Tax Leaders ranking published by International Tax Review (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016).
- Partner in one of the largest and most successful specialist tax practices in Poland that is also the only Polish entity invited to the VAT Experts Group established by the European Commission.
- Tax adviser at MDDP – awarded twice the title of Poland Firm of the Year in the European Tax Awards ranking organized by the International Tax Review (2018, 2013) and listed every year among the leading firms on the Polish market in the World Tax ranking.
- Co-author of the book “Real Estate Sale Lease Rent. Effects in PIT, CIT and VAT”, issued by Difin. The first edition of the publication was awarded in the Golden Wings ranking of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna for year 2010.
- Author of numerous publications in professional press and comments in and daily press.