profilowe INDYWID bogdanski

Bartosz Bogdański

Partner | Tax adviser

VAT | Real Estate

Mob.: +48 660 440 140

  • VAT expert with over 20 years of experience.
  • Specializes in issues related to VAT for the real estate business.
  • Has extensive experience in advising financial sector entities.
  • Advises clients on the most significant and complex issues related to VAT settlement.
  • Involved in a number of projects regarding VAT settlement planning, effectively implemented in several leading Polish companies, as well as foreign operating on the Polish market.
  • Represents clients in many landmark proceedings before tax authorities, voivodship administrative courts, the Supreme Administrative Court – he has been an attorney, e.g. in the famous VAT case of shopping centres (case file number I FSK 293/17).
  • Advises entities investing in Special Economic Zones.