Adrian Mroziewski
Transfer pricing | Green Taxes
Email: adrian.mroziewski@mddp.pl
Mob.: +48 505 294 041
- Combines expertise in transfer pricing with experience in development and implementation of applications automating tax processes.
- Partner in a practice of nearly 50 people – one of the largest and most awarded transfer pricing practices on the Polish market.
- Implemented numerous projects in transfer pricing, e.g. development of transfer pricing documentation, preparation of comparative analyses, as well as preparation and implementation of settlement principles within groups of related entities.
- The scope of experience includes cooperation with the largest Polish companies creating video games, i.a. in the area of preparation of benchmarking analyses and determination of tax consequences on the grounds of transfer pricing for the purpose of transactions concerning creation and development of video games, provision of dedicated programming services for the gaming industry or granting a license to a trademark for the purpose of creating a new video game.
- Has extensive experience resulting from supporting clients during tax inspections with regard to transfer pricing and conducting workshops on transfer pricing and tax process automation.
- 2015 | Warsaw School of Economics, major in finance and accounting
- Lanaguges: Polish, English
- 1st award in the ‘Innovative Solutions’ category in the Tax Advisory Firms ranking of the Rzeczpospolita for the Smart.TP application co-created with the MDDP Digital Practice (2019).
- Distinction in the ‘Innovations’ category in the Tax Advisory Firms ranking of the Rzeczpospolita for the Smart.TP application co-created with the MDDP Digital Practice (2018).