Prepare for a possible audit and check whether transactions with related parties are free of risks that could be identified by the tax authorities.
By the end of November 2023, taxpayers will be required to submit a new report, the TP-R (transfer pricing information) form, to the head of the tax office. The TP-R form will require the taxpayer to provide the tax authorities with a great deal of very detailed information about the taxpayer itself, as well as transactions with related parties and havens, including, most importantly, the results of benchmarking and the profit realised by the taxpayer on the reported transaction.
There are many questions and doubts, the deadline for filing the form is fast approaching, and the Ministry of Finance has only published the new TPR-C (v5) forms in the form of a dedicated web application on 30 October 2023.
TP-R obligations met easier and faster.
TP-R form filled in correctly without the need to verify the content of the regulations and explanations.
Automated and accelerated process of filling in and filing the TP-R form.
Possibility to integrate with the Smart.TP app for automatic generation of transfer pricing documentation.
Reduced risk of incorrectly filled in TP-R form - built-in formulas notify about basic errors.
Streamlined tax information management process – administration panel for each user.
Easily editable previous versions of the forms and easily updated forms in future tax years.
Due diligence and data archiving for the purposes of tax audit.
Identified and reduced risks in the field of transfer pricing based on a report generated by the Smart.TP-R app.
Contact our staff responsible for the development and implementation of the product. Arrange a free demonstration of SMART.TP app – safely, online, at a convenient time. You can already today check how SMART.TP will streamline the process of compiling transfer pricing documentation.
SMART.TP is available in basic, individual and extended variants depending on your needs. Check which version will be most suitable for you!
Are you already using Smart.TP app (which supports generating automatic transfer pricing documentation) or would like to start using it?
Smart.TP-R app offers integration with Smart.TP app. So, when preparing transfer pricing documentation using Smart.TP, you will automatically prepare a TP-R form.
M: (+48) 505 294 041