MDDP on Polish Taxes I New Polish CIT exemption for foreign investors – so-called Estonian corporate income tax
June 1, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Starting from 2021, there is a new tax relief – so called the Estonian CIT – in Polish tax law. The relief allows to defer payment of CIT for number of years and at the same time to apply preferential tax rate. But in fact, in 2021 the regulation was a dead letter, hardly few hundreds of companies has decided to apply it.
Things have changed starting from 2022 when the whole regulation was significantly amended. Starting from then, the Estonian CIT becomes more popular solution. Although the relief formally applies only to Polish companies, in fact it may work as a perfect solution for foreigners investing in Poland.
Webinar on “MDDP on Polish Taxes” series will be held in English.
During the webinar, among others, the following points shall be discussed:
- What is the Estonian CIT?
- What are the advantages of the Estonian CIT?
- Who can benefit from Estonian CIT? Are the foreigners allowed to benefit from the Estonian CIT?
- Taxation of dividends and special deduction – how to apply it for dividends paid out to foreign shareholder.
- Estonian CIT LLC vs regular LLC – comparison/case study.
- The newest developments – tax authorities and administrative courts approach.
- How MDDP can help – our expertise.
The “MDDP on Polish Taxes I New Polish CIT exemption for foreign investors – so-called Estonian CIT” webinar is a free online seminar addressed to MDDP clients and business partners. The number of places is limited. The organizer reserves the right to refuse to accept the application.
After confirming the acceptance of the application by e-mail, in the next e-mail you will receive an individual link to the website where the MDDP WEBINAR will be held.

Łukasz Kosonowski
Partner | Tax adviser | Attorney at Law | Head of Transaction Advisory Practice
Tel.: +48 606 114 431
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