Combined legal and tax competencies in MDDP's Litigation Team

MDDP’s evolution in line with market trends and clients’ needs. Recently, increased demand for advisory services in selected areas such as VAT, transfer pricing, litigation or tax proceedings has become evident. It is no coincidence that MDDP is developing particularly fast in these areas and is integrating the competences of its experts even more strongly.

Following the strategy of comprehensive legal and tax advisory as of 1 October, the work of the combined Proceedings Team is to be headed by Tomasz Olkiewicz, legal counsel and managing partner of the MDDP Olkiewicz i Wspólnicy law firm.

“Dynamic legal and tax changes and the complex environment in which a contemporary entrepreneur operates require strategic and effective risk management. From the client’s perspective, what is important is to receive comprehensive advice in both legal and tax areas. We have therefore decided to merge and strengthen the legal and tax teams in the dispute area. This way we are thus able, regardless of the subject matter of the dispute, to provide services at the highest level and achieve success on behalf of our clients” – says Tomasz Michalik, partner at MDDP Michalik Dłuska Dziedzic i Partnerzy.

MDDP conducts penal, fiscal-penal and compensation proceedings. It provides the full scope of legal assistance and represents clients in tax proceedings and proceedings before tax as well as tax and customs authorities, as well as in proceedings before administrative courts. It resolves disputes at all stages, from an attempt to settle the dispute amicably, through providing advice on collecting evidence and its preliminary assessment, representing the client, to conducting enforcement from the debtor’s assets or conducting bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor.