The groundbreaking judgment of the Supreme Court – a shareholder in a two-person limited liability company without ZUS contributions

The groundbreaking judgment of the Supreme Court – a shareholder in a two-person limited liability company without ZUS contributions On February 21, 2024, the Supreme Court ruled that a shareholder in a two-person limited liability company holding 99% of all shares is not subject to social insurance contributions under Article 6 clause 1 point 5…

Mandatory KSeF postponed!

Mandatory KSeF postponed! On January 19, 2024, the Ministry of Finance announced that the implementation of The National System of e-Invoices (Krajowy System e-Faktur, KSeF) will be postponed due to the detection of critical errors in the system code. The Minister of Finance emphasized that the stability and security of economic activities in Poland constitute…

The first CBAM reporting is due by 31 January!

The first CBAM reporting is due by 31 January! Importers have to submit their first CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) report until 31 January 2024. Each importer of CBAM goods* into the EU should submit a quarterly report containing information on the imported goods. The CBAM report must include, inter alia: the total quantity of…

News on tax depreciation from 2024

News on tax depreciation from 2024 From 2024, new possibilities can be applied in the field of depreciation of fixed assets for tax purposes (PIT and CIT). Accelerated depreciation for new buildings The first preference applies to non-residential buildings and structures. In certain cases, accelerated depreciation of such fixed assets is possible. The basic depreciation…

Deadline for WH-OSC follow-up statement ever closer

Deadline for WH-OSC follow-up statement ever closer Tax remitters  with tax year same as  calendar year are required to file a WH-OSC so-called follow-up statement by 31 January 2024. Who is affected by this requirement? If payments subject to withholding tax exceed the PLN 2 million threshold in a given year to a given entity,…