Tomasz Michalik tops Chambers Europe 2024 ranking

Tomasz Michalik tops Chambers Europe 2024 ranking When you consider VAT, you think: MDDP and Tomasz Michalik, who leads an outstanding team for whom nothing is impossible! Today, we have further confirmation of that. We are pleased to announce that Tomasz Michalik has topped the Chambers Europe ranking – he has been ranked the highest (Band…

MDDP advised on the sale of KO-MED Clinical Centers

MDDP’s Transaction Advisory team, in cooperation with Osborne Clarke law firm, advised KO-MED Clinical Centers, one of the leading clinical research companies in Poland, in its sale transaction to Velocity Clinical Research Inc. KO-MED is a network of modern and thriving centres that accept patients from all over Poland for clinical trials. Its mission is…

MDDP strengthens Personal Tax and Employer Advisory practice

As of 1 January, Agnieszka Telakowska-Harasiewicz, tax advisor and expert in the area of personal taxes and social security, joined MDDP’s Personal Tax and Employer Advisory Team as a senior manager.   The number of challenges for companies in terms of human tax management is constantly rising. Increasing competition in the labour market means that…

Transfer Pricing Guide 2023/24

Transfer Pricing Guide 2023/24 We are delighted to present our new project – the Transfer Pricing Guide developed by the Transfer Pricing Working Group within ETL GLOBAL! This guide is an effective tool for dealing with challenges related to international transactions. What does our guide offer? Data concerning 17 countries Practical analysis of transfer pricing…

Merry Christmas!–o0%3Fsi%3DlE8XUuKjOnUInBzg%3Frel%3D0 As Christmas draws near, it’s a significant moment to reflect on our ability—both personally and professionally—to shape a brighter future full of new opportunities. Let us always keep our values at heart, on the basis of which we build relationships and develop business. Our choices should consistently honor our planet.As human beings we are…

Local file documentation – the last straight

In 2023, the deadlines for completing transfer pricing obligations for 2022 have been shortened. The starting point for fulfillment of TP obligations is reliable local documentation (Local File). Deadline for fulfillment of obligations For taxpayers whose tax year coincides with the calendar year, the deadline for Local File for 2022 is October 31, 2023. Admittedly,…