Mandatory e-invoicing in Poland postponed till July 2024

Janina Fornalik of MDDP explains recent changes to, and potential problems with, the proposed mandatory e-invoicing system in Poland and why businesses should already be preparing for its implementation. A European Council derogation decision allowed Poland to introduce a mandatory e-invoicing system starting from January 1 2024 and draft regulation stated this date. However, according…

Brokerage services in the light of transfer prices regulations

Correctly classifying a brokerage transaction has certainly not been intuitive for taxpayers. Making such transactions between related entities adds complexity to the matter. The challenge for the taxpayer is both determining the value of such a transaction and establishing the appropriate documentation threshold for it under transfer pricing regulations. This may result in the taxpayer’s…

Capital transactions in the light of transfer pricing obligations

Identifying documentation obligations is a key step in completing the tasks imposed by the transfer pricing regulations. Under the applicable regulations, the concept of a controlled transaction should be interpreted broadly. As a consequence, a number of business activities that are seemingly not subject to transfer pricing regulations may in practice trigger documentation obligations. An…