How AI is changing the work of tax authorities and impacting taxpayers?

Automation of tax processes using artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common among businesses as well as tax authorities. Tax authorities are benefiting from the technological revolution From the perspective of tax authorities, AI first and foremost allows for more efficient analysis of the vast amounts of data received from taxpayers. This allows for faster…

CJEU Confirms the Right to Deduct VAT on the Acquisition of a Fixed Asset Made Available Under Tooling

On October 4, 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment in the Voestalpine Giesserei Linz case (C-475/23), addressing the right to deduct VAT related to the acquisition of a machine provided free of charge to a subcontractor under a tooling agreement. The judgment pertains to a common practice, especially…

Statement on transfer pricing documentation - what you should know as statutory deadlines near

Statement on transfer pricing documentation – what you should know as statutory deadlines near

The deadlines for meeting transfer pricing obligations for 2023 are fast approaching, especially for taxpayers whose fiscal year aligns with the calendar year: by October 31, local transfer pricing documentation must be prepared. by November 30, transfer pricing information must be submitted using form TPR-C. In this post, we address common questions surrounding the submission…

Efficient tax project management is a key to competitive advantage

Technology, and in particular tools using artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud solutions, have already begun to revolutionise the market, and their development promises even more profound changes. From legal and tax projects to day-to-day business operations, the future will bring with it exciting opportunities to increase efficiency, save costs and improve customer satisfaction. Key Developments…