2022 08 01 Agnieszka Kisielewska EN

A new leader of MDDP’s customs and excise duty team

On 1 August, Agnieszka Kisielewska – a tax advisor and expert of business organizations – became a partner and leader of MDDP’s customs and excise duty team. Her task is to support businesses in the customs and excise aspects of their international operations.

Companies are facing a constantly growing number of challenges in the field of customs and excise duties. In a globalized economy, international trade in goods requires businesses be familiar with customs and excise regulations in different jurisdictions. Ambitious plans to expand into foreign markets involve careful planning also in terms of customs and excise duties. An enhanced customs and excise duty team headed by Agnieszka Kisielewska as a partner specializes in these areas.

MDDP’s new partner supports Polish and international businesses: in their foreign expansion, in planning supply chains, in obtaining customs and excise permits, as well as in determining the origin of goods, their customs classification and value. Agnieszka represents importers, exporters and customs agencies in tax and customs proceedings and before administrative courts.

Agnieszka is an active member and secretary of the GLCA (Global Legal Customs Association – an international network of experts in the field of customs and international trade). She is also an expert at the Business Center Club in the field of customs and excise duties.

Tomasz Michalik, Partner at MDDP and Head of the VAT Practice:

Agnieszka rejoins our company after a one-year break. We are very happy that MDDP – offering friendly culture and ambitious challenges – is a conscious choice of individuals who can compare experiences from different organizations. The customs and excise duty area is already crucial for a number of our clients. Its importance will only grow as the economy continues to globalize. With Agnieszka on board, our wide VAT team may support businesses even more effectively in this area.
