Marta Klepacz


Transfer Pricing

Mob.: +48 533 889 036

  • Transfer pricing expert.
  • She specializes in reviewing / preparing transfer pricing documentation, conducting comparative analyses as well as developing and implementing transfer pricing policies in capital groups.
  • She implements projects regarding the establishment of a methodology for calculating remuneration as part of transactions to ensure security from the perspective of transfer pricing.
  • She deals with the restructuring of capital groups and supports clients during tax inspections.
  • She cooperates on a daily basis with clients from the furniture, paper, financial, pharmaceutical, FMCG and transport industries.
  • She has extensive experience in processing Advance Price Arrangements.
  • She runs transfer pricing workshops.
  • She has led a number of projects, among others, with regard to:
    • development of a methodology for calculating remuneration in the sale of finished products carried out by a client from the pharmaceutical industry;
    • development of a model of functioning of limited risk distributors from the FMCG industry on CEE markets and preparation of the transfer pricing policy for transactions carried out in the Group;
    • assessment of intangible assets transfer transactions in terms of meeting the definition of restructuring and preparation of exit fee calculations;
    • preparation of a memorandum on the assessment of transactions in terms of meeting the conditions of transaction homogeneity and the possibility of using safe harbours for clients from the paper industry.
  • 2014 | Faculty of Economics and International Relations at the Cracow University of Economics
  • 2017 | Postgraduate Transfer Pricing and Tax Management Studies at the Warsaw School of Economics
  • Member of the working group on benchmarking for financial transactions at the Transfer Pricing Forum
  • Languages: Polish, English
  • Highly regarded expert in Poland in the Transfer Pricing category in the World Transfer Pricing and World Transfer Pricing Leaders 2022, 2023 and 2024 ranking published by International Tax Review
  • Partner at MDDP’s Transfer Pricing Practice awarded four times with the prize for the Best Advisory Firm in the field of Transfer Pricing in Poland granted by the International Tax Review (2006, 2008, 2012, 2013).
  • Member of MDDP’s Transfer Pricing Practice awarded in the ‘Innovations’ category in the Tax Advisory Firms Ranking by the Rzeczpospolita for an IT tool that speeds up and facilitates the process of preparing transfer pricing documentation (2018).